Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Diabetic Neuropathy - A Serious Complication Of Diabetes

Diabetic neuropathy is a serious condition that directly impacts the nerves of the body. Individuals who suffer from the complications associated with diabetes often experience neuropathy. Generally, an individual who suffers from diabetes has a sugar level that remains consistently high. As time progresses, it is very likely that these glucose levels will begin to cause damage to the nerves and other areas of the body.

Here, you will learn about this particular form of neuropathy, the symptoms that are involved, as well as the treatment options that are available. If you suffer from this condition, or even suspect that you do, the information contained here may prove to be especially helpful.

This specific condition can be broken down into three further types of neuropathy. These are that which is focal, peripheral, and then autonomic. When it is focal, it means that one single nerve has been damaged. This can be virtually anywhere in the body. However, with diabetics, it is common to see it in the leg and the foot area. Peripheral means that the nerves that are damaged are in the peripheral system of the body. This type of damage is progressive, not immediate. The last type, autonomic, affects this nerve system in the body.

There are a number of symptoms that are associated with neuropathy. The following lists some of the most common associated signs that the nerves have been damaged in one way or another:

• Many individuals who suffer from nerve damage as a result of glucose levels in the body suffer from fluctuating body temperatures. This may result in sweating profusely, being extremely cold, or a unique combination of both.

•.Bladder complications are often quite common when the nerves have received damage. Accidents that involve inappropriate urination may become evident.

• There are a number of people who claim to experience complications with the digestive system. This can range from simple belching to severe vomiting.

• Neuropathy may lead to the development of sexual complications. Many men may experience issues with premature ejaculation and achieving a full erection. Women may experience the inability to feel sensations in a sexual manner, and even dryness in the area of the vagina.

• Complications with the circulatory system may also be experienced. This may include improper circulation in the body, heart problems, and similar health concerns.

What makes this especially dangerous is that with nerve damage you may not even know if certain problems exist. For instance diabetics often develop ulcers on their feet. If the nerves are damaged you may not be aware the ulcer exists until it becomes severe.

There are a number of ways that the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy may be relieved. It is important to know that any damage that is present will persist. However there are ways to ensure that the damage does not advance to a serious stage.

First and foremost, glucose levels in the body must be maintained. Then, depending on the symptoms that are experienced, various types of pain relievers, blood thinners, and prescription medications may be implemented. For disorders related to sexual functioning, creams and lubricants may be recommended. If you suffer from this devastating condition, it is absolutely vital that you work closely with a professional doctor in order to ensure that you are engaging in the proper treatment.

To learn more about diabetic neuropathy visit, a popular website designed to educate people about some of the common problems associated with the disease. You'll also find tips on diabetic cooking so you can eat healthy and tasty meals.

Article Source:'Agostino

Type 2 Diabetes Weight Control With Exercise

You may have seen headlines recently about exercise being the new wonder drug. If not you have probably seen adverts encouraging people to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. There are two reasons for this. The first is that so few people actually do any exercise. It is estimated that only a third of the adult population in the United States gets any regular exercise. The second is that exercise is an effective way to prevent and treat many diseases that have been increasing over the past 20 years. One such disease is type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a disease whereby the body becomes resistant to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that reduces the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. When the body becomes resistant to insulin the blood sugar level gets high and this can lead to immediate and long term problems for the person.

Current research suggests that people that are obese have a higher risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes. Thus as a form of preventative treatment exercise is a good strategy. For people that already have type 2 diabetes, exercise will help to keep the weight down and help to keep blood sugar levels lower. By keeping weight down a person will be more receptive to insulin. Exercise will also burn up more energy thus using the glucose that may have been ingested. This means that the blood sugar level will be lower.

The good news is that it is never too late to start exercising and once you start it is very easy and enjoyable. For people with type 2 diabetes the particular benefits of exercise are improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss and reduced risk to complications like heart disease.

The first thing to do of you plan to start exercising is to get checked out by your health care provider. They should test your overall health and suggest the types and duration of exercise to begin with. They will check the condition of the heart and may even do a stress test to establish a safe level of exercise for you.

The start of an exercise routine could be simply to go for a daily walk Walking is a low impact, low stress way to exercise. It will help to control weight and reduce blood sugar levels. It is also easy to do, to the extent that you may not feel like you are exercising. You could walk to the shops rather than drive the car. You could be the one to walk your pet dog every other day. You could walk up stairs rather than take the elevator. Look for ways that don't interfere with your life to begin with. Go for a walk during your lunch break. Walk to the train or bus station in the mornings. Every little bit helps.

As you become more comfortable with this level of exercise you can then increase the duration or intensity (again, check with your health carer when making this change). Think about riding a bike, swimming or playing a ball sport. As little as 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in your blood glucose control and your risk of developing diabetic complications.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are clinically overweight. An effective strategy to reduce this statistic is to take regular exercise.

Exercise and a proper diet are two of the key strategies for treating type 2 diabetes, for more information on the best foods to eat for diabetes, visit - The site deals with diabetic diets, information on the diabetic glycemic food index and how to avoid diabetic foot pain. Adrian Whittle writes on issues related to diabetes including symptoms of diabetes, diabetic retinopathy and diabetic neuropathy.

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Herbal Medicines For Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes is caused by a deficiency of insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas and necessary for converting glucose to energy. There are two types of diabetes - Type I and Type II.

Diabetes is largely considered a disease of affluence, a product of the Western diet. Genetic factors are also important. Type II diabetes, for instance, is usually associated with obesity and can often be cured simply by medically supervized dieting and weight loss.

Type I diabetes is the more serious form. It is an autoimmune disease triggered when insulin­producing cells in the pancreas are attacked and destroyed. The only treatment is daily injections of insulin, but people with diabetes must also pay attention to their diet, following a pattern of healthy eating and regular exercise. Uncontrolled and untreated Type I diabetes can result in a life-threatening coma. It is essential to seek specialist advice.

With Type II diabetes a certain amount of insulin is produced, but the body is unable to use it properly, making it less effective.

Diabetes tends to run in families, although not all members who carry the gene will go on to acquire the disease. It is more common to develop Type II than Type I. In addition to hereditary factors, damage to the pancreas may cause diabetes, particularly by viruses (such as mumps or rubella).

Other factors that may cause the disease in susceptible people are

pregnancy - this is called gestational diabetes and is more common if previous babies have weighed upward of 9lb/4kg at birth; urine tests during prenatal checks will show high levels of glucose, and you will be given a glucose tolerance test; positive cases will require dietary changes under medical supervision, or in the more severe instances, insulin treatment.

Other illnesses, including diseases of the pancreas, thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism treatment of existing conditions with corticosteroids.

Symptoms of diabetes include:

frequent urination and thirst

lethargy and apathy

weight loss

lowered resistance to infection (particularly urinary tract infections)


blurred vision

menstrual problems.

Longer-term complications include:

scarring of the retina

damage to the peripheral nerves

chronic kidney failure


associated disorders of the thyroid.

Special Note on Coma

It is important in diabetes to distinguish between diabetic coma and hypoglycemic coma.

Hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) coma occers as a result of taking too much insulin, or of not following insulin with enough sugar or carbohydrate. As the food and insulin levels become quickly out of balance, sweating, erratic and often violent behavior very quickly results, followed by coma - usually within 15 to 30 minutes. This reaction is known as "a hypo" and can be corrected just as quickly by taking in sugar, preferably as glucose, in food or drinks.

Diabetic coma is much more serious, and requires immediate medical help. The causes of this kind of coma are a buildup of acids (ketones), and metabolic poisoning as a result of having too little insulin in the body for too long. The condition causes rapid breathing and dehydration, followed by life-threatening coma if not checked.


The key to successful treatment of both types of diabetes is in maintaining the correct balance between food and insulin. There is no cure, either conventional or alternative, but research in the United States has shown that careful control of blood sugar levels can reduce the risk of diabetic complications by as much as 60 percent.

Research shows that the blood sugar levels of diabetics can best be controlled by a high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. In the past, carbohydrate content comprised about 40 percent of the energy intake, but this has now been altered so that at least 50 percent of total energy intake is drawn from carbohydrates. Evidence has also shown that blood sugar levels do not rise as rapidly when a high-fiber diet is eaten. Because high-fiber foods take longer to digest, the increase in blood sugar is slower and more monotonous and the diabetic does not have to contend with a sudden increase such as that supplied by refined sugars in fizzy drinks, for instance, or candies.

Type I Diabetes

The only treatment is daily injections of insulin, but people with diabetes must also pay attention to their diet, following a pattern of healthy eating and regular exercise. Several alternative therapies can help, but you always should consult a qualified practitioner.

Read out for home remedies. Check out pregnancy and homeopathic remedies

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Diabetes - Facts and General Information

Diabetes is referred to a medical condition in which blood glucose concentration remains persistently higher than normal. Under normal conditions, the hormone Insulin, produced in pancreas, helps absorption of glucose into the cells. It also promotes the storage of excess blood sugar in the liver and muscles. Glucagon, another of the pancreatic hormone, is responsible for controlling the release of glucose into the bloodstream from its various reservoirs.

This normal chain of events sometimes gets disrupted, resulting in unusual blood glucose levels. One of the causes can be that the Insulin production may be hampered; another can be Insulin's inefficiency in eliciting a response from the necessary cells. As a result, sugar unbalance occurs, and blood glucose fails to be converted into useful energy at optimum efficiency.

A host of other ailments are associated with Diabetes, including some heart diseases, stroke, damage to kidneys, eyes and damage to vital systems like blood circulation and nervous tissues.

Diabetes may be caused by several causes, and factors such as inheritance, life style and age. Some of the symptoms include an unvarying fatigue, constant feeling of thirst, weight loss, muscle cramps, and vision defects. If you feel some combination of the above mentioned symptoms, then you may consider being tested for Diabetes.

Diabetes Testing:

Blood sugar test is used for diagnoses of diabetes. However, the procedures may vary.
The test may require you to abstain from eating or drinking anything for about fourteen hours. Or else, blood samples can be randomly taken at various times during a day, and matched for aberrance in sugar level. Blood may also be analyzed at intervals for two hours after the patient has a glucose-rich drink.

Even though the procedure is simple, there is a chance of developing some complications. Patients have reported experiencing fatigue and nausea after being tested, due to reactions with the hypodermic syringes, or the mere sight of blood. Sometimes, testing can require multiple injections, which can be a problem. Infection may also occur, though the chances are rare. In case any complication arises, refer to your doctor with regards to it.

Blood sugar test is done by checking the sugar level of the blood, and so the results may get affected due to factors like diet prior to test; medications, specially oral contraceptives, some diuretics and certain steroids; recent medical history, such as a recent injury or surgery. Such factors are taken into account while preparing a report.

Treatment for Diabetes:

The treatment procedures differ for the two types of Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus. The aim is the same however: to maintain blood sugar at about normal levels.

Gestational Diabetes is a temporary sickness, and commonly occurs in pregnant women. Routine tests are carried out for Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy. After birth, the symptoms usually recess, but during pregnancy they need to be constantly monitored.

Diabetes Mellitus is a more serious and long-term form of diabetes. It has two forms: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is a result of body's inability to synthesize Insulin, while Type 2 Diabetes is a condition in which the efficiency of Insulin action is reduced. Diabetes Mellitus is incurable in its entirety. However, it can be curtailed using a combination of medications, special diet and exercise. Patients can lead a normal life; however, in case of Type 1 Diabetes, frequent Insulin injections are required. Diabetes treatment includes:

• Special low-fat, low-salt, and high carbohydrate diet

• Avoiding sugary food and sweets

• Regular exercise

• Medications, like Insulin injections

• Constant blood glucose monitoring

Saman Rashid is an experienced writer. She has been writing articles and web copies since 3 years. To contact her, kindy visit

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Signs and Symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy

In the early stages of diabetic nephropathy, a patient usually doesn't experience symptoms. Typically, symptoms occur when her glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 20% to 30% of normal. The GFR reflects the amount of plasma that passes through the glomerulus per minute. When signs and symptoms develop, they may affect virtually every body system and include:

* polyuria, nocturia, proteinuria, oliguria progressing to anuria

* hypertension, heart failure, pulmonary edema, peripheral edema, arrhythmias, pericarditis

* crackles, shortness of breath, dyspnea, Kuss­maul's respirations, pleural effusion, depressed cough reflex, thick sputum, pneumonitis

* anorexia, constipation or diarrhea, hiccups, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis, unpleasant or metallic taste in the mouth

* altered level of consciousness, behavior changes, cognitive changes, lethargy, seizures, coma

* muscle cramps, bone fractures, footdrop

* anemia, increased risk of bleeding, infection

* decreased perspiration; dry, brittle hair; dry, flaky skin; yellow-brown skin; petechiae; pruritus; thin, brittle, ridged nails; uremic frost (urea crystals that form on the skin)

* nfertility; decreased libido; anovulation, amenorrhea, anorgasmy in women; impotence in men.

Some More Facts

Discuss potential kidney complications of diabetes with your patient and her family. Emphasize the relationship between tight blood glucose control and the onset and progression of kidney disease. Explain the importance of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, following a safe exercise plan, stopping smoking, and controlling blood cholesterol levels. Explain dietary restrictions, including protein limitation, and refer your patient to a dietitian.

Inform your patient about the association between hypertension and renal disease. Explain that she'll need to have her blood pressure checked regularly, and emphasize the importance of treating her hypertension. Encourage her to report any adverse effects of antihypertensive drugs to her physician. Remind her not to stop antihypertensive therapy without notifying her physician.

Review the signs and symptoms of UTI and the importance of prompt and thorough treatment. Explain the importance of providing a follow­up urine sample for culture and sensitivity testing, if prescribed. Review the procedure for collecting a 24-hour urine sample . Advise your patient to delay or reschedule screening for urine albumin excretion if she recently participated in strenuous exercise or had an acute febrile illness or a UTI. These factors can temporarily increase urine albumin excretion. Ask your patient if she's taking drugs, such as NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors. These drugs can alter urine protein excretion and should be avoided during testing.

If the patient is receiving hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis at home, a home care nurse can provide the support and education she needs to perform the procedure independently. In some cases, a family member may need to be taught how to perform it. Or the home care nurse may have to do it.

Diabetes Control Natural Treatment

There are many people across the world that are dealing with diabetes, and no matter what type of diabetes you may have, it can be frustrating and difficult to deal with. While there are a variety of medications out there on the market today that are designed to help out people who have diabetes, there are more and more people who are looking for good methods of diabetes control natural treatment. In today’s world when so many drugs are being recalled and taken off the market due to serious side effects, many people are wanting to find natural treatments for their diabetes. So, if you are looking for the natural way to keep your diabetes problem under control, the following are a few you may want to consider.

Tip #1 – Eat More Meals – One great diabetes control natural treatment is to start eating more meals every day. This does not mean that you should be eating a huge amount at each meal, but going with 6 small meals each day can help you keep better control over your blood sugar and is much better than eating 3 large meals during the day.

Tip #2 – Drink Water – Believe it or not, drinking plenty of water each day is another natural way to keep your diabetes under control. Water helps to keep you from being dehydrated and also is a great choice above sodas and other high sugar beverages.

Tip #3 – Work on Losing Weight – Many studies show that there is a tie between being overweight and developing diabetes. In some cases just losing a bit of weight can help you to keep your diabetes under control. While it is not always easy to lose weight, it has definite health benefits that make it worth the hard work and effort.

Tip #4 – Using Herbs – Believe it or not, many people have found that herbs can work for diabetes control natural treatment as well. There are a variety of herbs available that can help keep blood sugar under control. Some of the herbs that have been found to be effective in helping to control diabetes include bitter gourd, green plantain peels, fenugreek seed, mullaca, and agaricus blazei murril mushrooms.

Tip #5 – Eating the Right Foods – There are some foods that can be eaten to help you keep your diabetes under control naturally as well. Eating foods like oranges, almonds, apples, and any foods that have high concentrations of omega 3’s in them are great. So, if you want to naturally take control of your diabetes, consider adding these foods to your diet.

As you can see there are many great options for diabetes control natural treatment. Consider using some of these options to help you deal with your diabetes in a natural way that won’t have you worrying about bothersome side effects.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Diabetes Type 2 Natural Treatment

If you are like many people, you are looking to natural ways to treat any ailment; this includes searching for a diabetes type 2 natural treatment. In today's world, people are shying away from conventional medicines and searching for natural cures and treatments. One of the best ways to keep your type 2 diabetes in check is with natural means.

Getting The Facts

Did you know that in the United States alone, there are more than 20 million people have diabetes. Of those 20 million people, about 95% of them have type 2. Type two is typically developed as an adult and is typically caused by the lack of insulin in the body, which leads to higher levels of sugar within the blood. If left untreated, type 2 diabetes can result in damage to your nerves, kidneys, heart, and eyes.

Diet and Exercise

Whether you believe it or not one of the most recommended Diabetes 2 natural treatment is through diet and exercise. Watching what you eat and implementing a healthy diet into your lifestyle can make dramatic changes to not only your body, but your body's way of dealing with diabetes. Many people suffering from diabetes have turned to the Mediterranean diet to effectively treat their condition.

The Mediterranean diet is deemed an effective diabetes type 2 natural treatment because it implements unprocessed foods into the diet and makes certain that you are eating whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits. This is great because it means that whatever carbohydrates that are included in the diet are not likely to raise the levels of sugar in your blood, which is unlike those processed foods that you are so used to eating.

You have heard it said that obesity is the number one cause of diabetes. With that being said, treating Type 2 diabetes means living a healthier, leaner, and thinner lifestyle, while treating your diabetes at the same time. Many people have been able to implement natural treatments for type 2 diabetes and never have to use prescription medication.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Diabetic Testing Supplies - What You Need If You Have Diabetes

One of the most difficult things for diabetics to deal with is the constant need to make sure they have readily available all the necessary diabetic testing supplies. The best way to make sure you have everything necessary is to make a check list, and before you go to bed at night or when you wake up in the morning, go over the list and be sure you have everything you'll need to get through the day.

When you have diabetes, your physician will test your blood sugar at appointments. It is also critically important that you test your blood sugar often on a daily basis. Make sure you have the equipment necessary for you to be able to test your level often.

If you are using insulin, in order for the insurance company to cover any charges, you will need a prescription from your physician. You will also need several different items in order to test often.

Insulin syringes - when you are on an insulin treatment, you will need the syringes to inject the medicine into your blood. There are different sized needles; however they are covered under most insurance policies.

Alcohol swabs - infections in diabetics is a very serious problem and can be potentially life threatening. Even a little pinprick for the testing meter can be a cause for concern. Alcohol swabs will kill the bacteria that are on your finger to assure a clean blood draw area. Alcohol swabs are very inexpensive and can be found in any retail store, however they are often supplied with your testing equipment.

Diabetic testing meter - This is a machine that takes a drop of your blood and measures your blood sugar level. There are several different types of meters to choose from, and if you are on the go a lot, there are portable diabetic testing meters. Again, you will need a prescription in order for your insurance company to cover the charges.

Diabetic testing strips - these strips are needed in conjunction with your diabetic testing meter. It is important to understand that each testing meter requires a specific testing strip, so it is important that you know which strips to purchase. Diabetic testing strips are expensive, and more often then not, they are not covered by insurance. Speak to your physician, he or she may know of a way to get around the cost.

In all cases your diabetic testing supplies should not be mishandled. Treat them carefully so they can continue to do the job for which they were designed.

Diabetes is a very serious disease. With the proper diet and medicine, it can be controlled and managed. It is very important that you keep the proper supplies in you home at all times.

As a side note, the paperwork that is involved with insurance companies can be very confusing. In recent years, new and innovative companies have been developed to assist diabetics in getting their supplies. They literally do everything from submitting the paperwork and billing, and then ship your entire diabetic testing supplies right to your door.

The easiest and fastest way to find one of these companies is to use the Internet. You will find thousands of links that will bring you to these sites. Just be sure you use a nationally recognized company with a solid reputation to insure that you receive the right supplies.

For information on finding quality diabetic testing supplies visit . There you'll find tips on diabetic foods and diet plans, as well as information on other items you may need such as diabetic shoes.

Article Source:'Agostino

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Diabetic Cooking - Healthy Choices For Those With Diabetes

Whether you have diabetes or the friend you like to feed is diabetic, it is very important for you to learn the ins and outs of diabetic cooking. Given the fact that the food you eat plays such a great role in how well your body copes with this condition, it is imperative that you learn to cook in a way that is healthy and appropriate. Luckily, cooking food that is conducive to controlling your diabetes is quite simple! All you need to do is first have an essential understanding of what is good for you and what is not, followed by starting up your own collection of great, diabetic-friendly recipes!

Diabetes, simply put, is a condition where your body is unable to regulate the sugar that is introduced to it. As can easily be seen, the sugar that is involved in your cooking needs to be reduced if not eliminated altogether, but there are other things that you should keep in mind as well. First, you will be surprised by how easy it will be to replace sugars with artificial sweeteners, and to a lesser extent, honey.

When you are thinking about diabetic cooking, grains are one of the things that you must learn to work with and introduce as often as you can. Essentially, the fibers in grains are necessary due to the fact that they can help the body break down glucose. Grains are at the very bottom of the diabetic food pyramid, meaning that it should form a foundation for all of your meals. If you don't have much experience cooking grains, just remember to cook them thoroughly, drain them thoroughly, and that they can be made a great deal more interesting by the presence of herbs.

Dried herbs and spices can help work against the glucose build up in your body as well. Look for curry powders and paprika to spice up a meal, and use basil leaves, bay leaves ground cinnamon and ginger when you are looking for a way to dress up the grain of your choice. With a little bit of experience, you'll find that there is plenty of ways to cook your favorite grains while still keeping all of their healthy attributes.

As you can see, diabetic cooking does not need to be a chore. Many people are in the same situation you are, and some of them have been kind enough to share. Websites like Recipezaar and AllRecipes have excellent sections concerning diabetes in their indexes. And there are countless books available online and in your local bookstore filled with tasty and simple recipes. Take a look around and find some great ways to promote better eating and better health in general!

To learn more about diabetic cooking, visit, a popular website devoted to providing useful information to those with diabetes. You'll find tips on the foods you can and cannot eat, as well as explanations of some of the more common problems associated with the disease such as diabetic ketoacidosis, neuropathy and retinopathy.

Article Source:'Agostino

What Are the Causes of Diabetes?

There are many causes of diabetes. Not all people have control of whether they could have prevented the disease. Eating healthy is a big factor in prevention, but some times that's not enough. Below are several ways it can be caused.

The disease is caused when the pancreas becomes dysfunctional. The body is dependent upon the insulin the pancreas secretes to keep the body's blood sugar levels normal. Many things can cause the pancreas to become dysfunctional and cause illness.

Diabetes is known to be higher in certain ethnicities such as Asian American, Hispanic, African American, Native American and Pacific Island descendants. The disease is known to be inherited and if it runs in your family, then you have a 25% chance of having it eventually.

Age is a big cause because as people get older, they exercise less and they gain weight, causing the body's pancreas to improperly secrete insulin. It can also be caused by a viral infection or illness affecting the pancreas, causing it not to secrete insulin properly.

However, the biggest cause is obesity. Excessive weight and fat in the body cause muscle and tissues not to react to insulin the way they should, almost making them resistant to the insulin the pancreas is secreting. The insulin will not function properly causing high blood sugar levels, eventually leading to the disease. Overeating can cause it also. The body needs a proper balance in its diet and if a body has too many carbohydrates, fats, or proteins, it can cause the pancreas to be dysfunctional also.

Frequent smoking can eventually lead to diabetes. Stress is also a major factor. The body's metabolism is directly influenced by its lifestyle. This includes the amount of daily stress; grief, and excessive worrying, that can cause the metabolism to react differently to insulin and the person to become a diabetic.

The body needs plenty of exercise and a balanced diet for the pancreas to properly function, secreting enough insulin. Many people cannot prevent this disease, especially if they inherit the disease or contract a viral infection causing it. The causes of diabetes vary, but the most important thing in trying to prevent it are maintaining a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and eating right.

Visit Diabetes Info to find more diabetes information. We cover everything from oral insulin to diabetes continuing education.

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Natural Diabetes Treatment, 2 Secrets!

There are many studies showing that natural diabetes treatment from herbs, oils and their by-product are very effective in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels and controlling the effects of diabetes. This is not to say that one should stop consulting their medical practitioner. In fact consulting your doctor and exploring a natural cure for diabetes should not be mutually exclusive, both options should be followed in tandem.

Before medicines, diabetes was always treated by natural means. However, the need for speed and immediate gratification has allowed for medical science to speed the process up with medicine.

In 90% of the cases, diet and nutritional balance can prevent diabetes, and the right food and nutrients has also shown to cure diabetes, or should I say reverse the effect of diabetes on the body.

There are 2 secret natural diabetes treatment , while these may be known to some, to some they are new, and therefore secret.

A. Blood Cleansing - included in a good herbal total body cleanse

Our bodies are bombarded with toxins on a daily basis, not to mention our entire lives. We should from time to time undergo a complete body detoxification, especially a blood detoxification. In fact, I personally undergo a complete body detoxification annually, and I remain on a smooth colon cleanse system continuously. This process is important to rid the body of all the bad food we have ingested, and the effects on the environment on our aging bodies. The blood cleanse usually incorporated in a total body cleanse will in fact rid the blood of toxins which are contributing to elevated blood sugar.

B. Flaxseed Oil and Omega-3
Flaxseed Oil and Cottage cheese mixed together and in a small protein shake can reduce the effects of diabetes. Incidentally while this has been promoted as a natural cure for cancer, I have had people tell me that it has worked for them and reverse the effects of their diabetes, so much so they hail it as a natural cure for diabetes. Fish oil is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which a beneficial in fighting against cardiovascular disease and other complications related to diabetes.

Many Natural Diabetes treatment are found in herbs. Many herbs have always been used in the treatment of the disease. However, as is well known, herbs work but for them to do so effectively they have to be taken consistently. This should ot be a problem, because herbs are foods from mother nature and therefore as a proposed natural cure for diabetes, the positive results with be long term and sustained. Some herbs, such as ginkgo biloba, cinnamon, garlic, onion, barberry , burdock root are all effective as a natural diabetes treatment. Night time teas before bed with some of these herbs will promote regular sugar levels the next morning.

Finally, ultimately the best form of diabetes cure and relief is the reduction of sugar intake. Sugar is in all food we eat and if you are diabetic you must have already been advise of what foods to stay way from. If you are not sure which foods to stay away , we can guide you.

Live well!

OK, So what foods should we eat? What are the foods to lower blood sugar Is there a magic food that we should eat on a daily basis? How can I change my diet? All these questions and more will be answered at our website, most importantly you will discover more natural diabetes treatment visit us and lean how to relieve the effects of diabetes, safely and naturally and maybe reverse diabetes

Article Source:,-2-Secrets!&id=762245

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

List of Foods For Diabetic to Eat

As a diabetic, it is ultimately important for you to have a list of foods for diabetic to eat. Keeping your diet plan correctly you can have good control of diabetes. There are some things that can work against your diabetes and make you extremely ill and there are some things that you should be including in your diet that you may not have been aware of. Because we know just how difficult it can be to determine what foods you should or should not eat, we have devised this article, complete with a list of foods for diabetic to eat to help you out.

Before we get into what you should eat, let's have a look at some of the things you should not eat. You want to make sure you avoid or restrict your intake of carbohydrates, either simple or refined. This might include items such as corn syrup, honey, sweets, sugar, white bread, white rice, or items that contain fructose, glucose, or sucrose.

Diabetics should also avoid foods that are extremely high in fat or sodium. The less you have of either of these items, the better off you will be. It is also suggested that you limit your intake of alcohol. Drinking heavily could lead to a greater heart disease risk, as well as liver damage.

With that being said, here is a list of foods for diabetic to eat:

• Make sure you include starches – While white breads can be bad for your diabetes, you still want to make sure that you include plenty of starches in your diet. This should be vegetables, pasta, cereal, grains, and breads.
• Vegetables – Vegetables are important to any diet, diabetic or otherwise. These provide a great source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Particularly good vegetables for your diet include cabbage, spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, and peppers.
• Fruits also provide you with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. They are also a source for carbohydrates, but should be taken in moderation. Depending on your calorie count, you should include two to four servings of fruits such as apples, bananas, mango, fruit juice, oranges, raisins, and grapefruit each day.
• Milk is also a much needed source of critical elements that your body needs. Fat free sources of milk is good, such as yogurt or low fat milk.
• Meats, though necessary, should only be eaten in moderation. This includes meat substitutes as well. This category includes all red meats and poultry, as well as cheese, cottage cheese, tofu, peanut butter, eggs, and fish.

Knowing what you should and should not eat while dealing with your diabetes is the best way to get it under control, lose weight, and maintain a healthier lifestyle at the same time. We hope this list of foods for diabetic to eat has helped you on your journey to monitoring your diabetes.

The Symptoms of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear suddenly and may be rather severe in nature. Usually detected during childhood, type 1 diabetes may cause a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, which causes vomiting, nausea, and dehydration. If left untreated, symptoms become more intense and the condition may eventually lead to coma or even death.

Type 2 Diabetes

The signs of type 2 diabetes are usually subtle, often going unnoticed for many years before a blood test reveals the presence of the disease. The symptoms of diabetes may also be wrongly attributed to obesity or aging, and if not properly treated, may lead to other serious complications including heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, or permanent nerve damage.

The common symptoms of diabetes that occur with both major types of the disease include:

- Excessive urination: Excessive urination, or polyuria, occurs when the body attempts to rid the system of extra glucose through the urine. This condition may then lead to dehydration after losing large amounts of water when excreting the excess sugars.

- Excessive thirst: Excessive thirst, or polydipsia, occurs when the brain receives a signal to dilute the blood in order to deal with the extra glucose. This signal is translated as thirst by the body, which needs to consume more water to counteract the loss by the excessive urination.

- Unexplained weight loss: People with diabetes may experience weight loss even though they are taking in a normal, healthy amount of food, or even an excessive amount, as the disease affects the way the body processes calories. Dehydration and excessive urination are other symptoms that may also contribute to unexplained weight loss.

- Excessive eating: One of the functions of insulin, which is secreted to counter high levels of blood sugar, is to stimulate the appetite. Too much insulin may cause increased hunger and lead to overeating, a condition known as polyphagia.

- Fatigue: Diabetes causes the body to have difficulty processing and using glucose as a means of fuel. To compensate, the body must then work harder to metabolize fat as an alternate source of fuel, which may cause fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness.

- Slow-healing wounds: Both oxygen and white blood cells are necessary for healing and regenerating new tissue, but when the level of sugar is too high, those cells aren't able to function normally, causing the body to be susceptible to infections and taking longer than usual to heal. Those who have had diabetes for many years may also have poor circulation, which also causes wounds to need more healing time due to a thickening of the blood vessels.

- Frequent infections: Urinary tract infections and both skin and yeast infections are symptoms of diabetes that may be the result of a suppressed immune system. Infections may also be from the extra glucose within the body's tissues, which allows bacteria to grow in excess.

- Blurry vision: While blurred vision isn't technically a symptom that's specific for either type of diabetes, it does occur frequently when blood sugar levels are abnormally high.

- Altered mental state: Symptoms of diabetes, such as confusion, agitation or irritability, may be the result of either very low levels of blood sugar, which is known as hypoglycemia, or from extremely high blood glucose levels, or hyperglycemia.